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3M Provides:

  • The 3M HDD - a database built up with software and services to capitalize on your EHR and terminology investments.
  • A revolutionary model for maintaining multiple versions of terminologies, map sets and values sets concurrently.
  • A clinical team with vast knowledge in healthcare informatics.
  • An open source version with basic features, called HDD Access, to get your feet wet.

Comparison of 3M HDD and HDD Access

Feature 3M HDD HDD Access
Release Schedule Monthly Annually
Custom Map Sets Yes No
Value Sets Yes No
Multiple Versions Concurrently Yes No
Additional/Custom Terminologies * Add-on option * Add-on option
Graphical User Interface Yes Yes
Automated Mapping Tool Yes No
Advanced Search and Visualization Features Yes No
API (RESTful web services) Yes Yes
Content Versioning APIs Yes No
Cloud Hosting Yes No
Professional Services
Software Support Yes * Add-on option
Mapping Services * Add-on option * Add-on option
Consulting and Education * Add-on option * Add-on option
* Available as an add-on option.