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It has been over 100 years since the Spanish Flu spread across the globe.

COVID-19 Antibody Testing

  • Wednesday, 10 June 2020 09:42
There are various types of testing related to COVID-19, including molecular diagnostic, antibody and antigen testing.
We know the importance of quick and accurate COVID-19 testing, but do we know when to get tested or even when to seek medical attention?
  Click here for a quick overview of our COVID-19 value set offering. Contact Us to obtain the COVID-19 Value Sets created by the 3M HDD team, for free.
We’ve all been hearing about the shortage of SARS-CoV-2 testing kits and materials, but there’s another shortage in the labs that hasn’t been widely mentioned.
We’re all hearing daily about how much COVID-19 testing is taking place and how many people are diagnosed or cleared from it.
Unprecedented times call for unprecedented measures.