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Joni Endo

Joni Endo

Joni Endo, MT, ASCP has been a member of the 3M HDD team since 1997. She is a certified medical technologist with the American Society of Clinical Pathology. She has worked in clinical/forensic toxicology labs and a national reference laboratory, and also has experience as a pharmacy technician and emergency medical technician. Initially working on laboratory data, she has widened her scope to encounter/demographic domains, pharmacy and radiology mapping, and data standardization to the appropriate terminology. She is the project manager for the HDD Access website.

 Fun Facts

If you could be any animal what would it be: a dolphin or shark

Top choice for next vacation: Antarctica

What did you want to be when you grew up: I’m still deciding

Latest from Joni Endo

AHIMA24 Conference, October 27-29, 2024, Salt Lake City, Utah  

Miles of data to go

  • Tuesday, 22 December 2020 10:28
Dealing with an ocean of data can be exhausting and intimidating.

How RxNorm handles injectable medications

  • Wednesday, 05 October 2016 10:05